General Information

Full Name Samuel Evan Ross
Languages English (Native), French (Proficient)
Citizenship United States


  • 2021 – 2025
    B.S. in Mathematics and Economics
    Haverford College, Haverford, PA
    • GPA: 3.98
    • Major GPAs: 4.0
    • Selected Coursework:
      • Abstract Algebra
      • Advanced Econometrics
      • Advanced Microeconomics
      • Functional Analysis
      • Macroeconomics
      • Machine Learning
      • Measure Theory
      • Multivariate Statistical Analysis
      • Political Economy
      • Real Analysis
    • Athletics: Varsity Cricket (Batsman)


  • Jun 2024 – Present
    Summer Analyst, Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies
    Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York, NY)
  • Aug 2023 – Present
    Research Assistant for Professor Kenneth S. Rogoff
    Harvard University, Department of Economics (Remote)
    • Global Role of Dollar Book: Created figures and gathered research for a forthcoming book about dollar dominance. Built series illustrating international macro trends using data from LSEG Refinitiv, IMF, World Bank, etc.
  • Jun 2023 – Jan 2024
    Year-round Intern, Stress Testing Research
    Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Washington, DC)
    • Corporate Debt Paper: Co-authoring a journal article about the transmission of monetary policy through the corporate loan market. Merged, cleaned, and analyzed several large regulatory datasets (SNC, Y-14Q, Y-9C) using SQL, Stata, and Python. Retained part-time during the academic year to continue this work remotely.
    • CECL Impact Project: Used synthetic controls to study the impact of the CECL accounting standard on bank lending and net allowances, extending a FEDS Note (Loudis et al., 2021).
  • Mar 2022 – Aug 2022
    Research Assistant for Professor Carola Binder
    Haverford College, Department of Economics (Haverford, PA)
    • Price Controls Book: Gathered primary sources and wrote passages for a book about historical price controls in the United States (Shock Values, University of Chicago Press, 2024).
    • Magazine Review: Wrote a review of "Can't we just print more money?" (Patel, Meaning, and Bank of England, Cornerstone Press, 2022) that was published in Central Banking magazine with my supervisor and a colleague.


  • Oct 2021 – Present
    Founder & Co-Head
    Haverford Economics Research Club
    • Covid Reopening Extension: Led a team extending Chetty et al. (2023). Built a Python web scraper to crawl New York Times archives for data on states' Covid reopening timelines, then used synthetic controls to evaluate the impact of different sectors' reopenings on employment, spending, and business activity. Presented at a joint University of Göttingen–Institute for New Economic Thinking (Young Scholars Initiative) webinar in November 2022.
  • Aug 2021 – Present
    Founder & Co-Head
    Haverford Problem Solving Group (Math Club)
    • Competition Math Events: Host weekly competitive mathematics training events. Led Haverford to top-20 national placement in the 2021 and 2022 Putnam exams.

Skills and Awards

  • Awards: The Michael M. Weinstein Prize in Economics (Haverford, 2024), Class of 1896 Prize in Mathematics (Haverford, 2023)
  • Programming Languages: Java, Julia, LaTeX, Mathematica, MATLAB, Python (TensorFlow, Keras, sklearn), R, Stata, SQL
  • Tools: Git, Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), Refinitiv, Unix, Tableau, Vim, Zotero